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As a chartered accountant I have used Accomplish CashManager for at least two decades, for
myself and my clients. It is an easy, cost-effective solution with fantastic support.

- Jeannie Lacey, Chartered Accountant, www.businessfocuskapiti.com
7th August 2017
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I always tell people how easy CashManager is when completing my B.A.S and end of year Reports, and
how the Support people are there to talk you through a problem or go into your work and sort things
out. I have been to another Accounting Software business night and it was not only complex and also
needing to purchase each section which I had trouble even understanding the very modern terms. I have
been with Cash Manager since the G.S.T was introduced and I have never considered having any other

- Diane Hawkins, Commercial Property Building & Management, WR & DE Hawkins
5th August 2017
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When I contacted CashManager I was a bit dubious as I had made a few silly mistakes and
could not rectify them. I thought whoever I speak with is going to tell me that I was stupid for
what I had done. However none of that happened. Eugene went about his business of sorting
my problem in a very pleasant manner. He explained to me what I had done wrong and how to
prevent doing it again. What Eugene left me with was a new way of using CashManager that I
did not know was possible. It has sped up my operation and made my record keeping far more
accurate. Thank you Eugene, I really appreciate your assistance.

- Gordon Harrop, Registered Motor Vehicle Trader, Egmont Autos Ltd
2nd August 2017
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Great support, easy to follow and understand. Not only was the issue fixed it was also explained to prevent it occurring again.

- Beatrice, Strata 10 Pty Ltd, Manufacturing
25th July 2017
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I have been using CashManager for over 20 years and I love the simplicity of the program. I very rarely have any issues, and none of these issues take too long to fix. I feel the remote access is great as I am not program savvy.

- Sharon Simpson, Equine Communication, Plumbing/Bookkeeping
15th July 2017
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This software is so user friendly and the support is second to none. I know exactly what I need and
how I am going to do it.

- Karmon Duncan, Bob Duncan Scaffolding Ltd, www.bobduncanscaffolding.co.nz
5th July 2017
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CashManager is an easy to use tool that speeds up the processing of my GST. It used to take me about 3 hours every couple of months, now it takes less than an hour.

- Caroline, Atlus Ltd
1st July 2017
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I have spoken to Eugene on several occasions and he is always helpful and knows what he is doing. CashManager is a very useful tool for running a small business, making the processes far less labour intensive.

- Cheryl Allison, APV Plumbing
28th June 2017
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I have found cash manager to be quite user friendly. Anything I'm not sure of, the staff are more than helpful with.

- HRT Builders, Construction
20th June 2017
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I have been using CashManager for 20 years and rate it highly. Easy to learn, well supported, uncomplicated.

- Barry Jack, Mobil Redwood, Fuel Retail
19th June 2017