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SmartInvoicing is the new and entirely paperless way to speed up and simplify your invoicing processes.
See all paid and outstanding invoices or receipts that have been loaded into the system.
With CashManager Online, you’ll be able to access and process all invoices while on the go or use the app to scan your receipts and invoices on the go!
SmartInvoicing now eliminates the need to keep large paper trails or print off invoices and file them away. Save time and trees by loading invoices and receipts directly into the system.
Please note that the SmartInvoicing module is accessible only if you have CashManager Invoicing and are a current member of our ‘Support & Update Programme’ (or of course using CashManager Online). If these apply to you then simply open the Supplier Invoicing screen and click on the SmartInvoicing button - and you will be up and running in no time.
We have used Accomplish since 2000 I have found it an excellent program & the back from the support people is excellent.
Are you ready to grow your business with CashManager? 30 day free trial, no credit card required.