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Accurately and easily balances to your bank statement – critical if you are going to maintain accurate financial records
Multiple ways of bringing your bank transactions into CashManager … to suit your needs - EziFeed (automatic), CSV File Import or manual data entry.
Smart 'memorise & process' functionality when reconciling your bank transactions (which you 'teach' to CashManager) …. Saving you time & money!
Automatically receive your bank data using our EziFeed service - reconcile regularly and control your cash flow. Sign up for EziFeed
I have found Accomplish Cashmanager to be extremely beneficial to my business. I have been with them for 20 years and when I call for support from time to time they resolve my issues very quickly. The programme is very user friendly and I don't know where I would be without it!
Are you ready to grow your business with CashManager? 30 day free trial, no credit card required.