If you cannot log in, please re-register with a new account. Our website currently has a few technical issues that are being sorted. If you continue to have issues, please contact us
Accurately and easily balances to your bank statement – critical if you are going to maintain accurate financial records
Multiple ways of bringing your bank transactions into CashManager … to suit your needs - EziFeed (automatic), CSV File Import or manual data entry.
Smart 'memorise & process' functionality when reconciling your bank transactions (which you 'teach' to CashManager) …. Saving you time & money!
Automatically receive your bank data using our EziFeed service - reconcile regularly and control your cash flow. Sign up for EziFeed
I recently had a minor problem with registering an old (2009) version but was given excellent assistance and advice through the help line.
Are you ready to grow your business with CashManager? 30 day free trial, no credit card required.