
Our Story

Click here to read more about CashManager.

Our Customers

Corner Enterprises Click here to read Terry's Story
MJ Marketing Click here to read Michael's Story
Easy to Read Documents Click here to listen to Melita's testimonial

Recent Audits

Accomplish CashManager has been reviewed by various impaired vision organisations. We are continuing to work with our developers and testers to make enhancements to make it even more user friendly for blind users.

GWMicro Audit January 2012 
Click here to listen to the audit (MP3) 
View the software audit report on Accomplish CashManager by Vision Australia.

Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind (Nov 2008) (PDF)
View the software audit report on Accomplish CashManager by the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind.

Interviews & Media Articles

Radio 1 in 5 – Accomplish was featured on Radio NZ's 1 in 5 Programme with Mike Gourley on August 2nd. Grant Hewson, Raewyn Whisker and blind businessman Terry Bartlett are interviewed about CashManager use with screen reading technology programme. Click here to access the article for Radio 1 in 5

Insight Radio Interview - Click here to listen to - Insight Radio Interviewing Accomplish in May 2010

Freedom Scientific Podcasts for the month of June: Click here to listen to the podcast which shows how Accomplish has gone the extra mile to make it accessible with JAWS® screen reading software.

ABC Radio Interview - Click here to listen to the radio interview on "Main Menu" radio programme.

Click here to Download Free Trial - The trial version does not have a time/days limit but can only be used for up to 200 transactions.