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Add products and stock to improve performance and speed up your invoicing or quoting. Then let CashManager do the rest.
Add inventory items to reduce manual data entry and speed up quoting and invoicing – all while tracking your inventory sales and purchases.
Automatically receive notifications when you are low on stock and easily create re-order reports so you are never out of stock.
We make it easy to track the quantities and value of your inventory on hand, giving you better control of what you buy and sell.
Track sales of products or services and report on how much profit you have made by invoice, sales person, product and product groups.
CashManager can’t do your stock counting but it can make it easier for you to get the updates into your system.
Track the profitability of your inventory easily by seeing which items are being sold and how much profit you’re making.
Ankita Patel is fantastic! She stuck with me and my problem until it was solved. She did not rush me through my problem and was very patient.
Are you ready to grow your business with CashManager? 30 day free trial, no credit card required.