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Was not made to feel like a fool at all by not knowing how to work the program. Help was easy to understand and were given enough time to grasp what the instructions meant. Did not feel that I had to hurry at all. When unsure about any step it was repeated step by step with all the help I needed.

- Lilac Flay
2nd August 2013
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Cash Manager is a great programme to use and one I would highly recommend. They have a great support base and it is well worthwhile paying for this. Love the fact that they can log on "remotely" and sort for you while you just sit and watch the screen!! Appreciated your quick response time today, in the past have waited longer and when you are trying to get a job completed can get a little frustrating. No complaints today though so thanks.

- Kerryn Walker
29th July 2013
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I have called a number of times looking for help, every time I get people who are capable, patient and very knowledgeable. Always they are courteous and helpful, when I began phoning I felt intimidated but not now, I would highly recommend the product and the support team are excellent. Well done keep doing what you’re doing.

- Kate Corless
26th July 2013
Quote Icon I couldn't do without Accomplish!! I have never ever been disappointed!! Special thanks to Eugene & Nat for their patience and understanding!
- Graham Thomas
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I contacted Accomplish support asking if they could help me alter some items on my invoice set up. They did it for me (which saved me heaps of time) with no hesitation. I am so glad that I chose Accomplish as my accounting package. Thanks Guys.

- Romoana Collins
Quote Icon I am computer literate but that doesn't mean I know everything so just having a reassuring voice on the end of the phone making sure I get it is great and M and I would be lost without this support.
- Leanne
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I am really pleased with the support I have been receiving from Accomplish Support. Every time I have a problem it is no trouble to them to sort it out for me. They don't make me feel stupid even though I know that I am a bit slow in picking up how to do things. Thank you very much for your valuable support. It is much appreciated.

- Naomi Mason
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As a computer illiterate I was assisted immensely by your support person in extracting information from the motherboard of a dead computer and relocating to new laptop ! The only assistance I was able to give was the word motherboard ( heard from the chap who retrieved it for me) Thanks Folks !

- Pete Sherriff
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We have been using Cashmanager now for 5-6 years and are very happy with the ease of using. Anytime we have had to call, the team is super friendly and quick to put us at ease talking over and guiding us to fix the problem. Thanks.

- Shelley Maddern
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It is a great accounting package, I find it really easy to use, and the support when I need it, has always been able to resolve my issues immediately. I would recommend it to any business. Five stars

- Geoff