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I phoned Accomplish and spoke with a very pleasant and patient lady. The issue was solved satisfactorily and I am confident that I am able to carry out the steps covered again.

- Dawn Charters, JC & DC Charters, Accountancy
21st August 2018
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With the lady I had today Kristina, very efficient and on the ball. Very happy.

- Debbie Pace, Bent Street Windscreens, Auto Glass
16th August 2018
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I am a nervous Nellie when it comes to software packages. Love using them, but terrified of them when there is an error, particularly when it’s my hard work in book-keeping packages. I would like to say a very big THANK YOU to your support team. Today, once again, the support I have received lives up to the name of your support program .....AWESOME.

- Kim Thierfeldt, Legal
15th August 2018
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I am a long-time user of CashManager and have always been very happy with both the product and support provided. As the owner operator of a small business CashManager has proved to be ideal and has made managing finances very easy and straightforward.

- David McDonald, DL & LD McDonald, Education
15th August 2018
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The person on the phone was very courteous, patient, knowledgeable and really helpful. Hard to find such people on help lines.

- Cherian Sebastian, Sebastian Services Ltd, Medicine
14th August 2018
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The staff at accomplish can fix a problem very quickly. They work out what I need to do even when I can't explain it at all well!

- Susan Pattison, Milboe Limited, Charity Bike Ride
11th August 2018
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The most user friendly and efficient accounting software we have tried and used, as accountants we have investigated and tried nearly all of them.

- Grant Briffault Accounting
8th August 2018
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As always the CashManager product is relatively easy to use. Certainly easier than MYOB and Xero. I can’t speak highly enough of its value. A good, accurate and easy to use accounting software package, and inexpensive for multi entity users.

- Chad Thompson, NZ Classic Yachts
7th August 2018
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It is so nice to be able to phone a business for support and have the call answered by a real person within a few rings. Not only that, my problem was solved quickly and efficiently.

- Vivienne Mickleson, Toi Toi Farming Partnership
1st August 2018
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I experienced a problem with an update. Rang the help line and was put through to a person who was knowledgeable, pleasant to talk to, and took me through the solution. Everything completed within 15 minutes.

- Michael J Cunnion, Australian Fluid Conditioning Services, Mining
30th July 2018