Accountants in Public Practice – Alistair Craig & Associates ltd

Accountants in Public Practice – Alistair Craig & Associates ltd

“It's so versatile, and it goes with all sorts of different business types” "There's nothing else out there I like, and there are hundreds of different programs out there. It's good, it's simple and it's easy."

Alistair Craig is quick to praise the CashManager system. After all, he has used it for over 15 years and has no intention of changing anytime soon.


"There's nothing else out there I like, and there are hundreds of different programs out there. It's good, it's simple and it's easy."


An accountant at Alistair Craig & Associates, his accounting advice and expertise is sought by many clients each and every year - and there's only one program he recommends.


Many of the praises he sings for CashManager aren't his own - they're the anthem of all the small business owners who have purchased the software through him.


"I've probably sold [CashManager] 50 systems to clients. All sorts of different clients and small businesses. It's so versatile, and it goes with all sorts of different [business] types.


"I sell the most of CashManager Lite. It has got to be simple to use, and the ease of the Lite is a big selling point."


Not only is the system itself easy to use, but Alistair also praised how easy it is to simply review accounts, create reports and know the financial health of any business with a single click of the mouse.


"It's so simple to just look and ensure that all the account details are correct; that everything's been put in the right place, to get printouts, to email invoices and documents to people, and for them to double-check everything and get back.


"All that sort of thing makes the process very easy, and we can help people set it up easily and quickly. It doesn't take three hours like it used to with older programs - it can be done within the hour, and most people have got it by then."