Gordon Harrop

I have now been with Cash Manager for almost three years. When our company was first set up trying to do the office work manually was absolutely impossible. Because I had seen Cash Manager working in another business about eight years ago I thought we should investigate putting CashManager into our business.  What a difference it has made especially with working out the GST part of the business which is very important to get correct. I cannot say enough about the service I receive from the CashManager support team. They are always ready to support me with any hassle that I have and I have had a few. I have never experienced a feeling of 'Oh no not him again can't he work it out for himself.'    The CashManager support team are absolutely the TOPS. their knowledge of CashManager is amazing I have never had a problem that they can't sort out for me and they do it very quickly.    I would STRONGLY recommend Cash Manager to anyone wanting the very best business accounting system. Just ring 0800 707 111 for a fantastic experience.