Tips for working with Generation Y

Cashmanager | 8 years ago

Workplace diversity is a great way to help ensure you and your business are on the right track to growth, and effectively utilising the talents that you have at your disposal will be key to achieving success. However, sometimes there can be complications or misconceptions about certain groups of people, which can lead to ineffective management and an underuse of talents and skills that could help to improve your business. There are countless articles about Generation Y and their presumed arrogance, entitlement and general disregard for older, more established work methods. In order to get the most out of these workers, it could be worth taking the time to develop a different managerial style. For example, one of the often-quoted cliches about Generation Y is that they're lazy and unmotivated. However, this isn't necessarily the case. Sometimes, the problem is rooted in something else, which could be affecting their approach to the workplace. One thing that these workers love is to feel challenged and appreciated. While older generations approached work as a means to an end, generation Y will often want to know about why they're doing a particular task, and how they fit into the wider company and it's processes. Furthermore, enabling your Generation Y employees with the latest software and technology is another way to spur them on and squeeze out the best possible work. If you're looking for a fast, streamlined accounting software solution for your business, now could be the perfect time to investigate the CashManager range from Accomplish. This system offers an interface that is effective and easy to use - allowing your employees to slice through financial work easily. Furthermore, providing feedback and positive reinforcement is another way to help stimulate your Generation Y workers. Keeping them up-to-date with their development and evolution within your business will provide them with a great sense of achievement.