Staff training: The benefits of solo sessions

Cashmanager | 8 years ago

Training is an essential part of what lubricates the gears of a business, allowing it to run as smoothly and comprehensively as possible. Taking the time to sit down with each individual employee and walk them through their particular role in the job may seem like a time consuming activity, but it's better to invest time in your employee rather than face potential financial compensation following a costly mistake. 

Here are some of the benefits to undertaking one-on-one training exercises with your employees. 

Have a focused learning environment

Taking your employees aside and giving them a solo training session removes the potential for distractions. It's a lot easier to engage with just one person at a time, without worrying about the other individuals spread across the room. Not only this, but it allows you to give them your full attention - giving them a chance to engage on a deeper level, ask questions and hopefully get a deeper understanding of the topic. 

For example, learning the ins and outs of a new small business software is essential for them to know. Without this base knowledge, they could find themselves having to learn alone at a much slower pace. But being taught by you about the specific features pertaining to their role will help them get up to speed much faster. 

Eliminate embarrassment 

If there's one thing that an employee doesn't understand, chances are they won't raise it as a question in a room full of their peers. However, working together with them in their own space will allow employees to ask for repeated explanations or exercises in order to master the skills necessary to do their job as effectively as possible. 

This will help you to maintain a level of professional expectation from your staff, knowing full well that their training has been done to the best of their ability.