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Business Partners

Accomplish has associations with many key organisations. Look in this section for information on how to become a Business Partner or consultant, or search for an accountant in your area.

My name is Raewyn Whisker and I am the Account Manager at Accomplish. My role is to ensure that all our Business Partners have everything they need to provide the best advice and service possible to their CashManager clients.

I have 15 years Account Management experience and most of my career has been in the IT industry.

I joined Accomplish mid 2006 and have developed a broad understanding of the Accounting Package market within New Zealand. We have a programme, through which I manage our partners, called the Business Partner Programme. This programme is split into four areas:

  1. Accountants in Public Practice
  2. Book Keepers
  3. Retailers - Encompassing computer stores electronic retailers.

If you would like to know more about this programme, please contact me on:

Email: raewyn@cashm.co

Freephone: 0800 7070 111 extension 605

Mobile: 029 760 1930

Skype : cashmanager.sales