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Keep track of all expenses and income by the click of a button, when you need it.
Unlimited Budgets allow you to plan for the future and monitor how your plan is going compared to reality on a monthly, year to date and this/last year to date basis
Use last year’s actuals for this year’s budget – with 4 options to allow you to manage individual accounts over the entire year at the press of a button.
Our entry level product is CashManager Lite – this allows you keep an eye on your cash transactions, and be compliant with local business requirements.
Our General Ledger product is CashManager Plus and has everything from Lite and Standard as well as Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports
Our most popular product is CashManager Standard – this product has all the features of Lite as well as, Cashflow Forecasts, Monthly Analysis and Budget reports.
I have now been with Cash Manager for almost three years. When our company was first set up trying to do the office work manually was absolutely impossible. Because I had seen Cash Manager working in another business about eight years ago I thought we should investigate putting CashManager into our business. What a difference it has made especially with working out the GST part of the business which is very important to get correct. I cannot say enough about the service I receive from the CashManager support team. They are always ready to support me with any hassle that I have and I have had a few. I have never experienced a feeling of 'Oh no not him again can't he work it out for himself.' The CashManager support team are absolutely the TOPS. their knowledge of CashManager is amazing I have never had a problem that they can't sort out for me and they do it very quickly. I would STRONGLY recommend Cash Manager to anyone wanting the very best business accounting system. Just ring 0800 707 111 for a fantastic experience.
Are you ready to grow your business with CashManager? Free trial, no credit card required.