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Purchased outright, CashManager for desktop is a lifetime license that will always be yours. Alternatively you can pay monthly for the security of a local instillation.
There are 3 levels of CashManager (Lite, Standard, and Plus) which you can choose depending on your individual needs. With the ability to upgrade anytime, you are always supported with CashManager while a member of the support and update programme.
CashManager for desktop includes 12 months access to our highly experienced support team, available online or by phone 9 hours a day.
CashManager has a range of add-on options available to help automate your day and easily transfer data back and forth with your accountant.
I am a long-time user of CashManager and have always been very happy with both the product and support provided. As the owner operator of a small business CashManager has proved to be ideal and has made managing finances very easy and straightforward.
Are you ready to grow your business with CashManager? Free trial, no credit card required.