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CashManager makes business compliance a breeze. Direct filing with smart, automatic GST means you can rest easy knowing everything is under control.
Every business is different. Choose to file every month, two months or six months, depending on your business model.
CashManager handles payments, invoices, and hybrid, and you don’t have to remember which one you are registered for.
Keeping your business compliant is now easier than ever. CashManager’s automatic GST calculations can now be submitted directly to the IRD at the click of a button. We are proud to be the first accounting software program to successfully offer this feature on the IRD’s new Gateway Service. Simply complete and check your return and submit.
Visit our How To Guides for more information about managing your GST return, or watch our tutorial video to set up the automated IR GST Filing.
The support I received over the phone was great. I have only been with the company a short time and did not know anything about CashManager, and was not sure what I was doing was correct, but your staff member gave me confidence.
Are you ready to grow your business with CashManager? Free trial, no credit card required.